
DISCLAIMER: KMRucker and all affiliates do not advocate excessive violence in any sense for the sole purpose of entertainment. See Marvel Comics for the definition of excessive violence. These are robots and don’t feel pain, so there. This was a request after I posted 3rd & 50 by my buddy Mike Rinehart. He didn’t request the golf swing to the head. Okay, so it’s not exactly hockey, but it’s pretty close.

Interactions throughout the drawing is key to keeping your eye moving in a deliberate direction. If you start out with the players in the foreground, which is the focus of the piece, the eye gradually works up the stick and into the stands, then over to the Bot spilling the beer and eventually to the players going over the wall, via his pointing finger. I kept the players by the wall sketchy because I wanted to show the difference between the fans and the ice. There’s a “glow” coming off the ice that I was trying to capture as well to give some atmospheric perspective. I was going to draw the team in the box, but I have about 3 hours into this drawing and wanted to get on to the next one. I do have a day job (for now, anyway). Overall, there’s a lot going on in this sketch, however the different elements and techniques work fairly well together. I’m happy with it.