Although, this is drawn as a cartoon, make no mistake about it. I have a strong respect for war and the devastation it causes. It should always be the last resort and, personally, I can’t think of many things that I would go on the offensive for, especially if it meant taking my brother’s life. Speaking for just myself and the observation of my kind – my kind being male – we understand the concept of respect more than love. Dying for the ones you love is unquestionably the most honorable way to go. So, naturally, we see this most awesome display of everything that’s good in men (respect, honor, brotherhood, sacrifice) during wartime. That is the appeal to those have never witnessed combat first hand. We also see the very worst in humanity. Some acts that make no sense on deepest levels.
Another pen drawing over pencil. I like the effect I get with the darker lines of the pen. It allows me to go darker with the pencil also. The soldiers to the right are left in pencil to give the atmospheric perspective I like. In this case, I even left out more detail to give the illusion of dust and smoke.