Truck Stop

If I knew pajama living was so damn comfortable, I would have done it years ago. And I have no dry cleaning bill. Lessened my carbon footprint to boot. I’m so green.

Ever since I learned about Epicureanism in college, I knew that was my kind of philosophy. It makes more sense now. As I get older, pain is a daily part of life. It is sad but true. So, the more comfortable and simple I keep my life, the better the quality.

At some point, I know I am going to have to get my butt back in the gym, however until I feel the sting of my belt buckle digging into my dunlop, I will enjoy every second of my sensible-shoe-sweat-pants-in-public regimen. Sorry, ladies, this man is not available. He is in love with his simple lifestyle and there’s only room for three on his couch, and those seats are taken by me, myself and I.

More of this new technique. I am really enjoying the dark lines and the relationship they create with the white of the blank page.