
Make today count.

– me

Today is pretty significant in my life. Besides being my birthday, it’s the one year anniversary of liberating myself from alcohol and tobacco. It’s not the exact date. I quit smoking before my birthday, but cheated a couple of times (no worries, I forgive myself freely) and I quit drinking some time after my birthday, but I will forever keep this day as the anniversary because it’s easier to remember.

If you ask me why I quit, the short answer is pretty simple…it got in the way.

When I would drink, I could draw for two, maybe three hours before I had to stop. When I took a “smoke” break, all I could think about was getting back to drawing, so I ended up sucking down a cigarette in about a minute. After a while, it didn’t make sense (Actually, smoking makes NO sense – period.)

So, I quit. No patches, no AA meetings. I just quit.

Anyway – happy anniversary to me and happy birthday as well.



I have been posting for a year now. I can count on one hand how many times I have missed this past year. I have sacrificed many vacations, including family time traveling to my boyhood home in upstate New York. Most nights are spent in front of the computer, posting my thoughts and drawings.

As of Thursday of this week, I am taking a short break. I have decided to take my boys on a short vacation – much deserved and a year over due.

I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your kind words and support.

I have decided to continue my Sketch of the Day for as long as I can hold a pen, pencil, marker, or brush.